Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Singapore Fireworks Festival & Kiasu-ism

The Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006 was held in conjunction with Singapore’s 41st National Day celebration at Marina Bay. Yesterday, I received a SMS from one of my friends asking if I wanted to go watch the fireworks display at night. I was bewildered. “A fireworks display today? I thought tomorrow was National Day?” Nevertheless, a fireworks display, a rare occurrence in Singapore, was too good to miss. I realized later at night how ignorant I’ve been, practically living under a rock.

The Singapore Fireworks Festival is NOT a new event. Apparently, it was been held yearly since 2004. I mentally kicked myself after swallowing this information. When I found out that yesterday’s event was actually the second one in the Festival (out of a grand total of 4 fireworks displays), I felt my foot connect with my butt once more. I had missed the Italian Team’s display on the 5th of August. It didn’t help my disappointment when I found out their display was called “Dynamic City” and promised to be a “loud, dynamic and passionate display”.* Darn it darn it darns it.

If you think you can foresee the experience, you will be sorely mistaken. I was. The most recent fireworks display I had attended was the 15 minutes long display at Marina Bay on the 15th Day of Chinese New Year. The crowd was naturally a huge one. The entire stretch of open area at the Esplanade which faced the Bay was swarming with people. The Esplanade Bridge was cluttered with still traffic, and people lined the walkway a gazillion times over. Motorists were parking their vehicles in the middle of the road, and standing next to them, watching the display.

The crowd I saw yesterday was massive. I had an entirely different perspective as I had arrived early this time around, and not on time like my most recent sighting. I met my friends at the Esplanade, in the open grassy area behind Glutton Bay (Square), at around 7pm. Already, 2 whole hours before the commencement of the display, the open areas at the Esplanade facing Marina Bay was already swarming with people – most of them already seated where they would have a good view of the fireworks. All the eating outlets were more than packed, and people resorted to eating on the grassy floor, or along the sidewalks, for to wait for a seat meant to not have dinner at all. The queues were at least 3 metres long per stall. I was stunned. Kiasu-ism at its best. I wondered what time the crowd had actually begun to form.

Walking across to Marina Square, the situation was not much better. It was probably one of the few times you would see somebody standing next to virtually every table in the food court, like hawks, waiting to swoop down and secure seats as soon as they were emptied.

After dinner, we decided to make our way to One Fullerton, figuring that we would probably not be able to see anything amidst the horrendous crowd at the esplanade. Exiting Marina Square proved to be another challenge. It was like walking through the Rea Sea after Moses had a less-than-perfect attempt at parting it. Every inch of the vast concourse at the entrance of Marina Square, along with its wide and stretched staircase had contact with at least one human butt. Surprisingly natural enough, there was still a tiny walkway created amongst the huddled sea of bodies. The happiest people that night would probably be the various mobile ice-creams and drink stall owners, as they capitalized on the hot and thirsty crowd.

Even walking along the paths towards One Fullerton was such a surreal experience. An endless sea of people emerged at intervals from the MRT underpasses, like waves that crash and break into the gentle sea of people walking. Human traffic dominated the roads, with cars having to give way at times to the massive influx of humans. If aliens were to swarm and take over the world, this would be exactly how I would envision it.

We decided to watch the fireworks from the Esplanade Park in the end. Esplanade Park was teeming with people as well. Upbeat music blasted from oversized speakers standing a metre in height. Families and groups of friends settled on the grassy field, busying themselves with a nice little picnic, complete with a picnic mat. Photographers lined the park bank, facing the esplanade bridge and Marina Bay, armed with their stands and cameras.

When the fireworks began, murmurings of “beautiful”, “nice”, “wow” could be heard amongst the crowd, with groups of people conversing amongst themselves about the best firework. Amateur photographers stood with their digital cameras, and some with their phones, to record and take pictures of the display. A dazzling display of lime green, red, orange and yellow ruled the skies for the next 10 minutes.

Amidst the horrors of having to battle the crowd though, there was certain warmth that could be derived from this experience. There was a certain feel-good feeling that could be felt watching numerous groups of friends, and families take pictures together at the event. It was somewhat delightful to see all these people come together to share their experience in this one event. It was harmonic. It was with one voice that the crowd Ooed and Ahhed when a spectacular display hit the skies. It was with one organized movement that the crowd dispersed in various seemingly set directions. It was as if you were part of something. It was as if you were one with everyone else.

It was worth it.

The upcoming Fireworks Displays

11th August 2006, Team New Caledonia. Theme: “Nature & Mystique”.

12th August 2006, Team France. Theme: “Celebration of Life”.



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