Monday, August 07, 2006


I wrote this for a NUSSU Aspire Competition sometime in the first half of the year. Just thought I'd share with you my thoughts on the subject of Freedom.

Freedom : What does it mean to you?

Chains weigh me down. Worries are tossed about the desert plains, in the deepest recesses of my mind, by foul winds building up to the strength of hurricanes. They swirled around the empty void, coming together as a collage. Under the hooves of galloping horses, my head begins to pound. Voices. They come all at once – interlaced with their different demands, increasing in volume as they gain my attention.

Taking in a breath of fresh air, my suffocating mind rejuvenates itself. I draw the curtains upon my eyes and the lights begin to dim. Darkness creeps into my consciousness. The voices in my mind are gradually muted as everything starts to fade.

Trapped between the world of harsh realities and the world of illusion. Where can one find freedom? Does it come when you are unrestricted? Does it come when there are no rules to abide by? Does it come when you have no worries? Does it come when you are not shackled?

Perhaps you find it in your friendship. Perhaps you seek it from your parents. Perhaps you find it through wealth? Religion? Perhaps you breathe it in the air. Maybe it is granted by the guiding elite. Maybe it is granted by your mind. Maybe your heart?

But true freedom? True freedom comes in my sleep. True freedom comes in my dreams.


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